Since the late 1990's, Alex [https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-koroknay-palicz-2a01553/ ] has been organizing to expand voting rights to younger people. He spent 12+ years leading the National Youth Suffrage Association (USA) [https://www.youthrights.org/issues/voting-age/].

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Should Children be Given the Vote? - Canadian Economist Miles Corak at TEDxWaterloo 2013: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anYFFlOtZKo

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Satire about lowering the voting age from 18 to 8: https://18to8.ca/

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Thank you for your servant leadership* for this cause, Aleksi. I was one of the members of the enthusiastic audience at this event, and I'm grateful to have been in the space. Thanks for tolerating my chat-space efforts to enrich the conversation :) and sorry if it felt like too much - I meant no disrespect.

I've amplified this post via

"Election Law listserv" https://groups.google.com/a/lists.ucla.edu/g/electionlaw and

the listserv of "The Children's Voting Colloquium" www.childrenvoting.org


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Robin, I thoroughly enjoyed your contributions to this event. Thank you for your support of this cause.

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